Activities & Groups

Sherwood Playgroup CIO

Children’s playgroup

Type of activity: Early years education

Day and Time: Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri during term times
Contact: Jayne Lowe / Louise Holland

Tel: 0115 955 3152

Facebook Page:  –

Nottingham Reiki

Weekly Reiki Classes

Type of Activity: Well being

Day and time: See website

Age Groups: 16+
Description: Learn the art of Usui Reiki, weekly classes to all levels. Reiki helps with stress and aids relaxation.
Contact: Stuart Kerry – Reiki Master Teacher
Tel: 07896 279 350

Zephyr's Nottingham

Child bereavement support for families

Type of Activity: Well being

Description: Counselling and bereavement support for families following the loss of a baby or child.

Contact: Carly Williams
Tel: 07915 995 532

Yoga Village

Yoga Classes

Description: Yoga for adults, pregnancy,  postnatal and kids

Times: Daily classes, see website

Contact: Hannah

Elevation Dance

Ballet, Tap, Modern Jazz and Acrobatics

Day and Time: Various

Type of activity: Exercise, arts.

Description: Ballet, tap, modern jazz and acrobatics classes for children. Adult tap classes. Chance to take part in exams, performances and scholarships.
Contact: Yasmin Sidery 

Tel: 07856 948 574

Jill Gregory School of Dancing

Adult Ballet and Tap

Jill Gregory School of Dancing, ballet, nottingham

Type of activity: Exercise, well-being

Description: Ladies Ballet and Adult Tap

Day and Time: See website
Contact: Jill Gregory

Body Physical

Yoga and fitness classes

Description: Yoga, feel good fitness classes. 

Times: See website

Contact: Chez

NBLS Monday Lace Class


Type of Activity: Craft class

Day and time: Once a month 10am – 3pm on Mondays
Description: Bobbin lacemaking for beginners and beyond – through to advanced level.
Skill level: Suitable for all levels.
Booking: Book in advance with Louise
Contact: Louise West
Tel: 01332 742 533

Support For Survivors Charity

Support for non-recent child abuse

Type of activity: Various holistic emotional support for mental health and well being.

Description: Trauma led Informed Charity, including; emotional person-centered approach, mindfulness, drop-in, advocacy support, personal development and recovery program, creative art therapy, mentoring and coaching, befriending, volunteering.

Contact: Marilyn Lane

Tel: 0115 962 2722

Tappy Toes

Children’s Dance

Description: Tappy Toes run award winning, active dancing classes for children aged 6 months to 5 years. 

Contact: Julie Greenwood

Tel: 07913 747 128


Zumba Gold Chair Social

Seated Dance Fitness

Type of activity  Seated dance fitness, for the more mature, or those facing physical, mental, or emotional barriers to mainstream fitness. 
Day and time: Monday 1pm (with tea/coffee/biscuits at 1.45pm)
Monday 2pm (with tea/coffee/biscuits at 1pm)
Description: 45 minutes of foot-tapping, hand clapping, and laughter with Latin-inspired & international rhythms from around the world. 
Skill level: Can be done seated or standing and is suitable for wheelchair users.
Contact: Margaret or Dawn
Tel: 07899 938 425  or   07792 940017

Open Wings

Life and Work Skills Centre CIC

Type of activity: A Community Interest Company working with adults with
learning disabilities and/or difficulties
Description: Providing day services and activities for groups and individuals.  Delivering group activities and individual learning to a wide range of adults with learning needs.  Providing external workshops to organisations and community groups.
Contact: Anna Rossi  
Tel: 07828268487